Fostering inclusion through evidence and empowerment

Get Involved// Student Research Projects
Student Research Projects
There are a number of ongoing student research projects affiliated with AIDD, this includes the research that is being carried out in the area of disability-inclusive development and other related areas by PhD candidates from international and national universities.
A list of ongoing research projects by students and relevant details can be viewed here:
Ms. Rosalie Power
PhD candidate, Discipline of Child and Adolescent Health, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Australia
Thesis Title: Health related quality of life, including psychological and sexual wellbeing, of adolescents with cerebral palsy in rural Bangladesh and stress among their primary caregivers (Bangladesh CP QoL Study)
Supervisors: Dr. Gulam Khandaker (Primary), Prof. Nadia Badawi AM (Associate), Prof Cheryl Jones (Associate) and Prof. Mohammad Muhit (Associate)
Dr. Ellen Manlongat
Advance Trainee, Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) – Major Project
Thesis Title: Congenital anomalies among chidlren with cerebral palsy in rural Bangladesh
Supervisors: Dr. Gulam Khandaker (Co supervisor), Prof. Nadia Badawi (Co-supervisor)
Prospective students who are interested to work on disability issues in LMIC (Low and Middle-Income Countries) settings are encouraged to contact AIDD for available opportunities.
A list of completed student research projects is provided below:
Ms. Aneeka Anwar
Master of International Public Health (MIPH) – Major Project, University of Sydney, School of Public Health
Thesis Title: Barriers of vaccine uptake among children with cerebral palsy in rural Bangladesh
Supervisors: Dr. Gulam Khandaker (Co supervisor), Dr. Aditi Dey (Co-supervisor), Dr. Frank Beard (Co-supervisor)
Ms. Parhyse May
Master of International Public Health (MIPH) – Major Project, University of Sydney, School of Public Health
Thesis Title: Immunisation status of children with cerebral palsy in Bangladesh
Supervisors: Dr Gulam Khandaker (Primary supervisor), Prof Robert Cumming (Co-supervisor)
Ms. Jenny Jung
Master of International Public Health (MIPH) – Major Project, University of Sydney, School of Public Health
Thesis Title: Nutritional status of children with cerebral palsy in rural Bangladesh
Supervisors: Dr Gulam Khandaker (Primary supervisor), Prof Robert Cumming (Co-supervisor)