Fostering inclusion through evidence and empowerment

Training and Programs// Masters in Public Health
Masters in Public Health
The Masters of Public Health (MPH) program is an intensive academic program intended for individuals seeking to develop their careers in public health areas. It is the most widely recognized professional credential for leadership positions in public health. Graduates of this program will be prepared to evaluate biological, environmental, legal and regulatory factors that affect the health of local and global communities, they will have the potential to be employed in national and international non-government organizations, government bodies, research institutions, private health facilities, etc. Successful completion of the program will impart students with knowledge and skills from a variety of disciplines to define, assess and ultimately resolve public health problems. The program is also designed to serve as the starting point for those seeking higher education and contribution towards advancement of the public health field.
AIDD is a partner of the South Asia School of Public Health and Life Science (also hosted by the University of South Asia, Dhaka) by playing an active role in promoting the talent of future public health leaders of the region through training programs in collaboration with the School of Public Health and Life Sciences, and encouraging future disability work by means of scholarships and internships.
The MPH Program
The MPH program consists of core courses which cover key areas that are vital to public health such as epidemiology, health services organization and management, qualitative and quantitative research methods and data analysis, program and policy evaluation, health economics, and human, cultural and ethical values in public health. Candidates of the MPH program have the opportunity to the complete relevant courses and major in the following areas:
Community Ophthalmology
Public Health and Hospital Management
Preventive Dentistry
Public Health Disability and Development
Reproductive and Child Health
South Asia School of Public Health and Life Science
The overarching mission of the South Asia School of Public Health and Life Science is to advance the public’s health and life science through learning, discovery, and communication. To pursue this mission, the School produces knowledge through research, reproduces knowledge through higher education, and translates knowledge into evidence that can be communicated to the public, policy makers, and practitioners to advance the health of populations. The School has developed a teaching program which stresses on the uniformity principals of molecular and cellular mechanisms in all living systems. The School has also made pioneering efforts in integrating physical sciences with biological sciences.
The School of Public Health and Life Science has agreed to provide two full-time scholarships in the upcoming year to promising candidates to bring the brightest in the forefront for disability work in Bangladesh.
More Information
For more information please visit the following links:
About the MPH Program: http://www.southasia-uni.org/faculty.php?sub=mph
An overview of the MPH Courses: http://www.southasia-uni.org/faculty_course_overview.php?sub=mph
School of Public Health and Life Sciences, University of South Asia: